Superfeet All-Purpose High Arch (Green) Insoles

Superfeet’s most popular insole, Green provides professional-grade orthotic support with the highest arch and thickest cushion. They help with a range of foot issues or none at all.

Where To Buy


Comfort + support for a range of uses + foot issues

Last for 500 miles or 12 months

Professional grade product is approved by the American Podiatric Medical Association


Works for most people but not all

Pricey, especially in addition to shoes

Shoes need to have some extra room to fit insole


Footwear is the most important part of staying comfortable in hiking and life. Great shoes and socks aren’t always enough, especially because the insole that comes with most shoes is cheap and flimsy.

We keep preaching about the importance of insoles because this small update makes a huge difference – whether you have foot issues or just general discomfort and fatigue.

The high arches and firm support from this insole help with plantar fasciitis, low arches, high arches, pronation, supination, and more. The high-density foam, deep heel cup, and additional support can help anyone.

I’ve also wondered why my socks wear down under the ball of my feet and learned that adding arch support will decrease the pressure on the front of my foot that causes this. Testing is still in progress but extending the life of multiple $20 pairs of socks with $50 insoles makes sens.

The shape and material can also improve gait, correct imbalances, and redistribute pressure to increase athletic performance or help prevent feet from tiring out before the rest of your body. Trust me, you’ll start with one pair, begin moving it between all your shoes, and then get a pair for all your favorite kicks.

Who Should Buy?

Anyone with tired feet, foot issues, uncomfortable shoes, or are looking for a simple way to enhance athletic performance.